Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Q & A

Nate had a couple of questions for us in the comments, so let's see what we can do about answering them ...

What is the average GMAT score for a SDSU Sports MBA student?

I checked with our Director, Scott Minto, and he replied that, while we don't have the current class average on hand, "the minimum I look for is a 600, with a competitive score being 650+".

Also, how many students work internships during the school year?

While much of our class focused on academics at the beginning of the year (when we take most of our quantitative courses -- statistics, accounting, etc.), by now most of us are involved outside of the classroom as well. Practical sports experience ranges from one-time volunteer opportunities (for example, the Red Bull Air Race Christen wrote about here earlier this year, or the California State Games coming up this weekend), to longer-term work leading up to a major event like the Rock and Roll Marathon, to consulting projects or on-going internships with local sports companies or groups.

The program schedule (most weeks we meet Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, leaving Tuesday and Friday open) allows for a good deal of flexibility in using out-of-class time, and there are a lot of sports events and companies in San Diego, so there are plenty of chances to gain experience while in school!

Any other questions? Keep 'em coming.

Megan Moyer, SMBA 2010


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